Terms and Conditions

Sen Yoga 条款和条件

Sen Yoga Terms and Conditions

1.    概述

1.    Overview

欢迎加入Sen Yoga。本条款和条件(“条款”)适用于您使用我们的网站和服务。请仔细阅读这些条款,如果您不同意这些条款,请勿使用我们的服务。

Welcome to Sen Yoga. These terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to your use of our website and services. Please read these Terms carefully. If you do not agree with these Terms, do not use our services.

2.    服务描述

2.    Service Description

Sen Yoga 提供瑜伽课程、健康咨询和相关活动。我们致力于为所有水平的学员提供安全和愉快的体验。

Sen Yoga offers yoga classes, wellness consultations, and related activities. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for students of all levels.

3.    预订、取消和退款政策

3.    Booking, Cancellation, and Refund Policy

3.1 预约课程:请在微信小程序预约课程,或者私信联系工作室客服预约。建议最少提前一天预约课程,上课时间为每天8.00am-8.00pm。

3.1 Booking: Please book classes through our WeChat mini program or contact our studio customer service via private message. It is recommended to book at least one day in advance. Class hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm daily.


3.2 更改/取消课程:课程开始前24小时免费更改或取消;课程开始前12小时至24小时内更改或取消将收取50%费用;课程开始前12小时内更改或取消将收取100%费用。上述费用将从预付课程费中优先扣除。

3.2 Cancellation: Changes or cancellations are free of charge up to 24 hours before the class starts. Changes or cancellations made 12 to 24 hours before the class start will incur a 50% fee. Changes or cancellations made within 12 hours of the class start will incur a 100% fee. These fees will be deducted from the prepaid class fee.


3.3 迟到条款:如果您迟到超过10分钟,将无法进入课程且不会获得退款。建议提前10分钟到达更换运动衣服,迟到将导致上课时间缩短。

3.3 Late Arrival Policy: If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will not be allowed to enter the class and no refund will be provided. It is recommended to arrive 10 minutes early to change into workout clothes. Being late will shorten the class time.


3.4 课程有效期:有效期开始日期为使用课程套餐第一节课的日期。根据套餐类型,课程有效期分别为:

3.4 Class Validity: The validity period starts from the date of the first class of the course package. The validity periods are as follows according to the package type:


3.4.1 灵活套餐(Flexible Package)

1 PACK: 7天(1周)有效期

5 PACK: 21天(3周)有效期

10 PACK: 42天(6周)有效期

3.4.1 Flexible Package:

1 PACK: Valid for 7 days (1 week)

5 PACK: Valid for 21 days (3 weeks)

10 PACK: Valid for 42 days (6 weeks)


3.4.2 身心重塑(Body & Mind Transformation Plan)


3.4.2 Body & Mind Transformation Plan:

Valid for 21 days (3 weeks) (3 sessions per week, non-cumulative)


3.4.3 流动无限(Unlimited Flow)


3.4.3 Unlimited Flow:

Valid for 30 days (1 month) (1 class per day, non-cumulative)


3.5 免费课程有效期和目前使用的课程套餐一致,将会在目前课程套餐使用完后再使用免费课程,有效期内未使用将会失效且不可退款。

3.5 The validity period for free classes is the same as the current course package in use and will be used after the current course package is completed. Unused free classes within the validity period will expire and are non-refundable.


3.6 退款规则:所有类型套餐仅限本人使用。课程套餐未使用可申请退款,需扣除购课金额的10%作为手续费,并扣除赠送物品的价值。使用后,如果学员无法继续完成课程或课程在有效期内未使用完,退款时所用课时均按£108/节计算,并扣除剩余金额的10%手续费和赠送物品的价值。

3.6 Refund Policy: All types of packages are for personal use only. Unused course packages can be refunded, but 10% of the purchase amount will be deducted as a handling fee, along with the value of any gifted items. After use, if the student is unable to complete the course or if the course is not completed within the validity period, the used sessions will be calculated at £108 per session for a refund, and 10% of the remaining amount will be deducted as a handling fee along with the value of any gifted items.


3.6.1 灵活套餐退款规则:退款金额 =(购卡金额 - £108已使用课时) 90% - 礼品价值

3.6.1 Flexible Package Refund Policy: Refund Amount = (Purchase Amount - £108 * Used Sessions) * 90% - Gift Value


3.6.2 身心重塑退款规则:退款金额 =(购卡金额-£108已使用课时) 90%(若每周使用课时低于3节均按3节计算)- 礼品价值

3.6.2 Body & Mind Transformation Plan Refund Policy: Refund Amount = (Purchase Amount - £108 * Used Sessions) * 90% (if fewer than 3 sessions are used per week, it will be calculated as 3 sessions per week) - Gift Value


3.6.3 流动无限退款规则:退款金额 =(购卡金额-£108已使用天数) 90% - 礼品价值

3.6.3 Unlimited Flow Refund Policy: Refund Amount = (Purchase Amount - £108 * Used Days) * 90% - Gift Value


3.6.4 公开课和周末活动不可退款和延期。

3.6.4 Workshops and weekend events are non-refundable and cannot be extended.

3.7 特别说明:特殊优惠活动下购买的课程有效期和退款政策将以特殊活动发布内容为准。

3.7 Special Note: The validity period and refund policy for courses purchased under special promotional events will be subject to the terms of the specific promotion.

4.    付款条款

4.    Payment Terms

4.1 所有课程费用需在预订时支付。我们接受银行转账,微信和支付宝支付。

4.1 All class fees must be paid at the time of booking. We accept bank transfer, WeChat Pay and Alipay.

5.    健康声明与责任限制

5.    Health Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

5.1 学员应定期自行评估并判断自身健康状况,包括但不限于心血管健康、关节和肌肉健康、呼吸系统健康等方面。学员确认自己没有任何不适合参加锻炼课程的健康问题,并承担由此可能导致的风险。学员将在参加课程之前寻求专业医疗人士的建议,以确保自己的身体状况适合参加相关运动。

5.1 Students should regularly assess and judge their own health conditions, including but not limited to cardiovascular health, joint and muscle health, and respiratory health. Students confirm that they do not have any health issues that would make participation in exercise classes inappropriate and accept the risks that may arise from participation. Students will seek advice from a professional medical practitioner to ensure their physical condition is suitable for participating in relevant exercises before attending any classes.


5.2 Sen Yoga 不对因参加我们课程或使用我们设施而导致的任何损失或伤害承担责任。在参加任何课程前,请咨询您的医生。

5.2 Sen Yoga is not responsible for any loss or injury resulting from participation in our classes or use of our facilities. Please consult your doctor before attending any class.

6.    客户行为规范

6.    Customer Conduct

6.1 客户应尊重他人并遵守工作室的规定。我们保留拒绝服务或要求行为不当的客户离开的权利。

6.1 Customers should respect others and follow studio rules. We reserve the right to refuse service or ask customers who behave inappropriately to leave.

7.    知识产权

7.    Intellectual Property

7.1 Sen Yoga 网站及官方社交媒体上的所有内容,包括文本、图像和标志,均为 Sen Yoga 的财产。未经许可,不得复制、分发或以任何方式使用这些内容。

7.1 All content on the Sen Yoga website and official social media, including text, images, and logos, is the property of Sen Yoga. No content may be copied, distributed, or used in any way without permission.

8.    拍摄

8.    Filming

8.1 活动和公开课期间,我们可能会拍摄照片和视频,用于Sen Yoga的宣传和市场推广。如果您不希望出现在相关的资料中,请前告知我们,或在当天联系工作人员。

8.1 During the events and workshops, photos and videos may be taken for promotional and marketing purposes by Sen Yoga. If you do not wish to appear in any materials, please inform us before the events and workshops or speak to a member of staff on the day.

8.2 通过参与我们的活动和公开课,您授予Sen Yoga使用您的肖像和形象的权利,用于宣传的目的,包括但不限于社交媒体、网站及市场宣传资料,且不提供任何报酬。

8.2 By participating in our events and workshops you grant Sen Yoga the right to use your image and likeness for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, websites, and marketing materials, without compensations.

8.3 所有照片和视频将按照GDPR规定处理,并安全存储。未经您的明确同意,不会将影像资料分享给第三方。

All photos and videos will be processed in compliance with GDRP and stored securely. Images will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

8.4 如果您希望在活动后撤回同意,请通过邮箱 info@senyoga.co.uk 与我们联系,我们将确保您的影像不会出现在未来的资料中。

8.4 If you wish to withdraw your consent after the event, please contact us at info@senyoga.co.uk, and we will ensure your image is not used in future materials.

9.    修改权利

9.    Right to Modify

9.1 我们保留在任何时候修改这些条款的权利,修改后的条款将在我们网站上公布。请定期检查条款的更新。

9.1 We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. Modified Terms will be posted on our website. Please check for updates

10.       法律管辖

10.       Governing Law


These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising from these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

11.    语言优先

11.    Language Preference


In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms, the English version



This Term and Condition was created on 01 January 2025.